Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hostage Linens

The house is falling apart. And I don't just mean that it hasn't been vacuumed or dusted in weeks. I mean that major things are breaking.

The thermostat was malfunctioning for a while, causing the house to heat up to 78 degrees a couple times. So Minh replaced it with a digital programmable one. Then, the furnace itself started randomly turning itself off, generally in the middle of the night. We'd set the heat at 66 and go to bed, only to wake up and find that it was a mere 59 degrees in the house! Luckily, Minh seems to have fixed that too.

Then one of us broke the remote control for the TV and cable box. I won't name names, but it wasn't Minh or Tai.

Next we noticed that the linen closet door knob was loose. When you turn it, it spins and spins, round and round, but doesn't actually latch or unlatch the door. Luckily, we leave this door open most of the time (or else Nibbles gets pissed....long story). Anyway, once we noticed the broken door knob we made a pact to never close that door again.

So, of course, today I accidentally closed it without thinking. Then I got ambitious and decided to do laundry. So I stripped the sheets off the bed and threw them on the (cat-and-dog-hair-covered) floor. The same with the towels in the bathroom. I did not realize the error of my ways until I attempted to get fresh sheets and towels out of the linen closet. That door knob simply spun and spun, mocking my stupidity. I tried some MacGyver moves and attempted to force the little latch to open, first with scissors and a then with a ruler. But MacGyver I am not.

So here I am, no sheets on the bed and no towels in the bathroom. All my fresh linens are being held hostage by that evil door knob. Looks like I simply have to finish the laundry today if we're going to have anything to sleep on tonight.


Anonymous said...

Try a butter knife or a credit card. Then, once it's open, get yourself some duct tape and tape the latch flush with the door.

Duct tape. Love that stuff.

Blarney said...

they're free--butter knife and duct tape did the trick! thanks mamacate!

Anonymous said...

I can relate. I remember one Summer when all my major appliances decided to go on strike. I think of it as the "Revenge of the White Boxes". Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, and Refrigerator. Why couldn't they have taken turns and spread it out a little?

Isn't it great being a homeowner?

I'm glad you got access to your clean linens.