Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How I Know I am Getting Old

Late one night last week I walked into a 99 Restaurant (on purpose) and asked if they were, "still open for dinner."

It was 7:15pm.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Goodbye, Old Friend

Dear 2001 Subaru Forester,

It's time to say goodbye. When we bought you we justified the cost of a Shiny New Car by vowing to drive you until your wheels fell off -- at least 15 years.  Well, your wheels are still in place and we only made it to 12 years and 4 months.  Still, you've had a good long run.  During your time with our family you've witnessed:

Graduate school
First jobs
New jobs
Two home purchases
Two babies
Car seats
Diaper changes
The adoption and death of various pets
Countless camping trips

Gone are the days when we actually used your fancy bike rack, because we no longer ride our bikes.  And gone are the days when we used your trailer hitch to tow heavy-duty equipment to tackle big yard projects--because now we barely have time to mow the lawn.  We may not always have been 100% thrilled with you, and we may have even cursed your name on a few occasions   But you've been an excellent car and you deserve to retire.