Monday, January 29, 2007

A New Era

In our house, things now fall into two categories of time...Before Tai (BT) and After Tai (AT). This has become a very useful way of thinking of things. For example:

"Should we have omelets for dinner?"
"I'm not so sure....those eggs in the fridge are old."
"How old?"
"They're BT"

* * * * OR* * * * *

"I was emailing so-n-so about such-n-such a while back..."
"A while back? How long ago?"
"About one week AT"

This new scheme is particularly useful for me, as I was always prone to referring to everything as "last week" even if it was really 6 weeks ago. Now when I say something was last week, Minh can raise one eyebrow and say "That wasn't last week, that was BT."

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