Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Separate Vacations

Minh, Tai, and I will be spending Memorial Day Weekend in Texas. Not by choice, not really. We have a wedding to go to. Otherwise, Dallas would never have made it onto our list of must-see vacation spots. Alaska? yes. Australia? yes. Viet Nam? yes. Dallas? not a chance. But here we are, preparing to visit the state with which you don't mess, or so they say. Most unfortunate is that this trip to a red state will be forever immortalized in Tai's baby book under the heading "first plane trip." The poor kid has to take his first vacation to Bush's home state.

Buttons, on the other hand, will be vacationing on beautiful Cape Cod this weekend with her dear friend Arrow. What with the R-I-D-E in the C-A-R and the long walks on the beach and ample opportunities to swim, she's going to have the time of her life. I just hope she behaves herself.

The kitties, homebodies that they are, will be holding down the fort in South Hadley and will be tended to by a feline-loving neighbor. For them, vacation is not about going somewhere exotic. It's about having the house all to themselves and being over-fed by the cat sitter.

We will all reunite next week and exchange vacation stories. I'm already looking forward to it.

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