Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Parent of the Year, I am Not

It's just a matter of simple math......

Baby swing set to high speed
+ Hard plastic baby spoon clutched in Tai's fist
Baby's first black eye


Anonymous said...

OH NOOOO. Did he cry his heart out? Did it break your heart? The first of many boo-boos to come.

blarney said...

No he didn't cry. He was just al ittle fussy in the swing and we didn't know why. We didn't know he poked himself until we saw a big purple mark appear under his right eye. Luckily, the mark was gone within an hour or so.

And I thought it would be "cute" to let him play with a spoon.

Unknown said...

Given what I've seen, you are still clearly in the running for parent of the year- this barely counts as even a small demerit.