Friday, April 20, 2007

What Stumps?

Last weekend, Minh took the next step in his continuing "war on trees." He and a neighbor of ours spent the whole day grinding tree stumps down to hide all evidence of the mass tree murder that took place last fall. Minh claims it has something to do with making the yard more usable and being able to plant flowers.

But really it was just an excuse to rent and use yet another giant tool -- The Stump Grinder. This tool is essentially a spinning disk with giant teeth that whittles the tree stumps down to nothing. Here it is in action.

It sounds easier than it was, though. I think it took them a good 30 minutes of serious manual labor to get each stump below ground level. And I think they did about 15 or 20 stumps between the two yards. It was a long day. Despite being alot of hard work that left the guys sore for days, this process actually seemed to work quite well.

Now you see a tree stump.....................

............................Now you don't!

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