Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Flip Side

And now for the top 10 reasons I know that Minh and I are, deep down, still the same people we always were.

10. We still own, and use, plates stolen from college dining halls. They happen to be the perfect size for a Mama Celeste Pizza For One.

9. We still eat Mama Celeste Pizza For One.

8. We have private jokes dating back 10-15 years. Some are so old that we can't even remember how they started. Having such a rich shared history happens to make us unbeatable at Taboo. Anyone reading this is welcome to consider that a challenge. Bring it on.

7. We still enjoy a good joint-nap. Only now, sometimes there are three of us snoozing in the bed.

6. Minh still procrastinates -- he does his best work in the 24 hours immediately preceding a major deadline.

5. I still follow Minh around the house and shut off the lights he leaves on....sometimes while he's still in the room, using the light.

4. We still "jinx" each other. Often. This is a byproduct of being able to finish each other's sentences.

3. We still cook dinner together, usually.

2. I'm still a morning person and Minh still takes a solid hour to "warm up" each day.

1. We still play Maui. If you don't know what that is, come over sometime and we'll kick your, I mean teach you to play.


Dianna said...

How sweet! It is funny how the world changes around us but lots of things do still stay the same! We'll take ya up on the maui challenge... :)

Anonymous said...

I hear two challenges...Maui and Taboo. Sally and I will easily get you in Taboo!