Monday, January 09, 2012

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Quynh is (daytime) potty trained.  She had been working on that, off-and-on, for a while, but a few weeks ago something just clicked and she got it.  Do you suppose it had anything to do with the fact that in her PNP video Santa said, "I understand you've been asked to try to always make it to the toilet on time"?  That Santa, he can be pretty powerful.*

Well, whatever happened, I'm thrilled that it did.  She's 2 years and 7 months old and the only time she wears a diaper is overnight.  I can practically see the End of Diapers Forever on the horizon.

Quynh's other milestone over the holiday break was learning how to climb in and out of her crib on her own.  She frequently takes to her crib to "rest" (get a nuk fix).  It's lovely that she likes to hang out in there, especially when we are making dinner.   When she's done she yells, "Can someone get me out?!?"  But one evening she did not call for help, but simply emerged from her room with a big smile on her face.  Surely it was a one-time fluke, we hoped.  But over the next few days she proved that theory wrong, easily climbing in and out at will.

So we got a sitter and went bed shopping. (Because I cannot imagine much worse than trying to make a decision about such a large purchase with two kids jumping on mattresses and asking me to play with them.)  Quynh's only request was that we get her a "pink one".  When we returned home and declared success, she asked a series of questions:  "Where is it?  Is it in the trunk [of the car]?  Can I sleep in it?  Is it pink?"  We tried to explain that large items like beds have to be delivered and that for some strange reason pink beds are not that common.

So the bed arrives tomorrow and we're hoping the pink Hello Kitty sheets will take ker mind off the fact that her wooden bed is not pink but the color of, well, wood. Yes, tomorrow night my baby will sleep in her brand new Big Girl Bed for the first time.  Yes, I am excited.  And yes, I am little bit sad.  But mostly I'm just wondering how she will handle sleeping un-caged. We all know how well that has gone in the past.

*I need to keep this in mind next year and start plotting what he can help me achieve in 2012.


KiKi said...
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