Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Inside Out

I have two children, one of whom I enjoy spending time with inside the house and the other I enjoy taking on outings. Is that bad?

Now that Tai is four, I am really enjoying doing lots of activities with him.  I've taken him to concerts and plays, we've gone hiking with the dog, and I love to walk around the neighborhood while he zooms past me on his bike.  Inside the house is a different story.  He only seems interested in imaginative play, and only if I'm right there imagining with him.  It's gotten to the point where I dread Sunday mornings in our playroom.  I truly do not have the energy or desire to play "oceans" or "dinosaurs"  or "kitties" or "Shrek" because they all involve me crawling around on the ground, reciting the specific dialog that Tai has just "written," and usually fighting off the attacks of some sort of creature.  It's downright exhausting.

Quynh, simply because of her age, is not quite ready for many of the outings Tai enjoys.  She became unbearably fidgety half way through the circus and I wouldn't even try to make her sit through a production of The Sound of Music.  She has come on some hikes, but either needs to be carried or wants to walk at her (understandably) slow toddler pace.  None of this is her fault--she's not even two yet.  But at home (both inside and out) she is generally delightful and easy to play with.  Playing with Quynh really just means sitting near her and watching her play.  She likes to draw with crayons, markers, or chalk, sculpt with play-dough, build towers with blocks, and swaddle her baby dolls.  She also loves to cook and serve imaginary food.  She brings me cup after cup of hot cocoa and all I have to do is pretend to drink it and smile.  I get to sit back, relax and enjoy watching her have fun.

Of course, I love both my kids immensely.  But basically, I am just lazy, I guess.  Somehow I usually have the energy for a hike or a game of hide-n-seek or a trip to the playground, but I find it mentally and physically draining to pretend I'm a T-Rex or operate a princess hand-puppet.  Is that weird?  It was the same way with Buttons when she was a puppy too.  I'd take her on long walks and challenging hikes nearly every day.  But when we were at home I had no desire to play fetch or tug-of-war with her doggie toys.  (Yes, I just likened my kid to a puppy).

Good thing I have two kids -- one for inside and one for out.

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