Thursday, October 08, 2009

My New Philosophy

I have this new method of keeping sane that I'd like to share.

Instead of walking by the giant tumbleweeds of dog and cat fur that gather up against the baseboard and thinking, "oh, this place is getting dirty" and "we really need to clean this weekend" I now stop, bend over, pick them up, and put them in the trash can. The most important part of this new method is that I don't seek the tumbleweeds out. This is not Active Cleaning. But if I happen to see one in my travels, I grab it.

Brilliant, right?

Who would have thought that I could have come up with this groundbreaking solution? It takes about 4 extra seconds and I only pick up one or two a day, but it keeps me from slowly growing more and more disgusted with the general state of the house and constantly thinking about about how much house-cleaning is on the horizon. It also has the added bonus of making the house look slightly more presentable in the event of a Neighbor Pop In.

Now if I could just bring myself (or my son) to do the same thing with the toys that are strewn all over the place I could stop grumbling about the state of the house entirely.

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