Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today's Problem

I don't have a decent rain jacket.  Minh has an excellent one that I envy every time it rains.

So on each rainy day (like today) I curse myself for not having purchased a rain jacket.  Then I go online and browse women's rain jackets.  Then I think, "Well, actually there is no rush.  It's not like buying a jacket online is going to keep me any drier today.  By the time it arrives it will be sunny out.  I'll do this later."

Then, later, on a nice sunny day I remember that I was going to buy a rain jacket, but that seems completely ridiculous in that moment.  Why would I buy a rain jacket?  It's sunny out.

I have a similar problem with ironing work clothes.  I keep a big pile of wrinkled clothes waiting to be ironed in our bedroom.  I hate ironing, so during the week I walk by that big pile and mentally calculate that we have enough clean, ironed work-appropriate items in the closet to get us through the week.  I promise myself that I'll catch up on the ironing over the weekend so the closets will be all stocked up and ready for next week.

Then the weekend arrives and I think, "Why would I iron dress shirts today?  It's Saturday and we don't  need those until Monday..."

I seem to have a motivation problem.

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