Saturday, November 10, 2012

Election Day Quotes

Tai and Quynh were both very interested in Election Day and were excited to come to the polls with us, even though they themselves could not vote.  Their questions gave me insight into how little background information they have on the topic, and how their minds work.  Some examples:

"But HOW do you vote -- do you just raise your hand?" -- Tai

On our way out the door to go vote:
"Will Obama and Romney be there?" -- Tai

Upon our arrival at the polls (a fire station):
"Are you a firefighter?"  -- Quynh, to the first adult male she spotted.

"Is Elizabeth Warren my P.E. teacher?" -- Tai
(Followed by a brief discussion of how there are lots of Elizabeths in the world.)

Later that day, after hearing something on NPR about Romney casting his vote:
"Wait, do Obama and Romney get to vote too?"

The next morning, I delivered the news.
Me: (smiling) "Tai, Obama won."
Tai: (yawning) "oh. hooray."
(It's hard to be enthusiastic at 7am.)

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