Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Things I Do Because I Have Kids

There are many of things I no longer do, since becoming a mother. Sleep late, go out to the movies, take the dog on many-mile hikes, skip dinner, spend all afternoon reading a good book, etc.

But there are a number of (enjoyable) things I suddenly find myself doing because I have kids:

Going to the beach.
Using the public library.
Going out for ice cream. Frequently.
Picking blueberries.
Selecting a hotel because it has a pool. And then using the pool.
Going to county fairs.
Re-watching great movies like Shrek and Toy Story.
Singing. Wherever, whenever.
Dancing. Usually in the living room.
Attending local events -- tree lightings, outdoor concerts, apple festivals, etc.
Playing hide-n-seek.
Drawing on the driveway with chalk.
Swinging. Sliding. Playing.

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