Thursday, December 17, 2009
It's Getting More Difficult...
I've been trying to maintain this whole Not Lying to my Children Policy (the whole Santa thing excluded). It's usually pretty easy to maintain, as long as I am willing to simplify the truth or exaggerate time lines -- "yes, I am going to bed after I put you to bed" (just not immediately after I put you to bed).
But it's getting trickier these days, especially because Tai's new habit is coming out of his room after we put him to bed. Several times a night. It's like he has suddenly figured out that the world doesn't stop once he's in bed. We theorize that he lays in there for 5-10 minutes thinking up the next line to feed us. Usually, we get these:
I'm not tired.
I want to play.
I'm hungry.
I need ice in my water cup.
Where is Quynh?
I need something else to sleep with.
I'm all alone in my room - I need you to snuggle me.
I want Mama and Daddy to go to bed.
What are you eating?
I thought you said you were going to bed, Mama.
I've been evading some of the more direct questions about what we do after he goes to bed. I tell him we have some grown-up things to do (like washing dishes and packing lunches) and then we get in our PJs and go to bed. This is all true-ish, but not as truthful as saying, "Look, kid. After you're out of our hair we drink wine, eat chocolate, watch R-rated movies and soak in the hot tub."
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Not So Bright
Monday, December 07, 2009
One Stop Shopping
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Reason # 27 to Have Children....
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Raising Paulie Bleeker
Friday, November 06, 2009
A Child After my Own Heart
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Conference 2
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Conference 1
- Tai plays with everyone in the classroom, but has a special sibling-esque relationship with Natasha.
- Tai enjoys making the other kids laugh and can get too silly at times.
- Tai talks alot and feels the need to fill awkward silences.
- Tai likes to teach the new, younger, kids the circle time songs and signs.
- Tai is not a big fan of using the potty when he has better things to do.
- Tai is able to, but prefers not to, dress and undress himself.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Aliens Digging for Fossils
Monday, October 26, 2009
That Poor Gorilla
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Selected Scenes from a Weekend in Vermont
1 hour into the 2.5 hour drive: (smiling) "Mama, I just got a big huge boogie out of my nose....and ate it."
1.5 hours into the 2.5 hour drive: (upset, almost frantic) "I can't see The Vermont!" My reply? "Look out the window, it's all around you." (He didn't get it.)
2 hrs into the 2.5 hrs drive: (all patience lost) "I don't want to go to The Vermont. I want to go home RIGHT NOW."
Scene 2: Who Knew a King-Sized Bed Could Feel Cramped?
I enjoy sharing my bed with Quynh, and I enjoy snuggling with Tai. But not at the same time. Never again.
Friday night-- after placing an almost-asleep Quynh in the center of a king-sized bed and tucking Tai into his sleeping bag on the floor, I foolishly attempted to go into the other room and have a glass of wine. Quynh wouldn't settle. My attempts at settling her just kept Tai awake. Tai wanted to know when I was coming to bed, and if he could get in the bed with me and Quynh. We called Daddy at 8:30pm and Tai announced, "I'm having trouble falling asleep." I then gave in and said all three of us could surely sleep comfortably in a king sized bed. After much flopping, flailing, talking, and whispered reprimands ("Don't lay on your sister!") somehow, by about 10pm, we all fell asleep.
At 3am when Quynh woke to nurse, Tai also woke. And became jealous (or something). He started pawing at Quynh, and at my breast, and then sat on my head. Yes, sat on my head. When he did not remove himself by the count of 3 he got an un-precedented 3:30am time-out. Tears ensued.
Saturday night was better, though it also started with an "I'm having trouble falling asleep" call to Daddy. I abandoned all pretense of staying up later than my kids and we all climbed into bed at 8pm. By the time I nursed Quynh to sleep and rolled over to snuggle Tai. he was still pretty wired. I had to tell him a lengthy story of the life, and death, of our long-dead cat Marmalade to get him to settle down (why he finds that particular tale calming is beyond me). Somehow we got through the second night with no one sitting on me and only 15 minutes of wailing at 3 am. "Is it wake up time yet? It's taking a looooong time!"
Scene 3: The Water Boy
Even though there is not much to actually do in Killington, VT if you are a non-skiing toddler, Tai only needed water to have a good time. It seemed like I couldn't keep him dry for more than a few hours at a time. Jacuzzi bathtub, shower, outdoor (heated) pool, back into the bathtub, etc. (Perhaps we should have just stayed home and soaked in the hot tub all weekend?)
Scene 4: Life and Death
At lunch on Sunday Tai claimed to be afraid to walk under the giant stuffed moose head on the wall. I explained that the moose used to be alive, but was now dead and stuffed (ugh). Though he still would not walk under it, he became instantly interested in learning which things in the restaurant used to be alive.
Pointing to a canoe hanging from the ceiling: "Mama, was that boat alive and it died?" And then, "Did that (wooden) duck used to be alive?" And on our way out the door after lunch, "Mama -- what about that man? (sitting and eating his lunch) Did he die?" Luckily, the man was good-natured about it and almost seemed entertained by Tai's curiosity. Whew.
Scene 5: Home Sweet Home
The ride home (at naptime on Sunday) was blissfully quiet and we returned to trimmed hedges and gardens, a mown lawn, a re-organized laundry room, and even a clean bathroom floor. But we also returned to an exhausted Daddy with a killer headache from lack of caffeine. (Apparently washing the coffee pot seemed like more trouble than it was worth to him).
While we were away Minh even found time to test the Halloween candy, just to make sure it isn't poison and will be safe to give out to the neighborhood kids. What a thoughtful guy.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My Big Boy
He orders his own food in restaurants. Granted, it's always the same order. "Do you have chocolate milk? And do you have mac n cheese?" And when the server comes by half-way through the meal to check on us he says "I'm all set" before they can even ask if we need anything else. (Perhaps we eat out too much?)
He can walk all the way around the block on his own feet, without begging to be carried just after the half-way point. Buttons is not a big fan of Tai's stop-and-smell-the-roses pace, but it's fun to do once in a while.
He's *nearly* potty trained and is quite good about using public restrooms. He recently delighted in selecting which port-o-potty to use from a row of about 8. Once inside he became fascinated with the urinal and (after I insisted he stop *touching* it) he requested to stand up and pee into that instead of sitting on the toilet. Afterward, he bragged to Minh about it.
No one has ever taken so much pleasure from doing laundry as my boy Tai. If he sees us with a load of laundry he insists that he be allowed to help with it. He sits up on the dryer and pours the detergent into the washer. He is also in charge of putting the Bounce in the dryer. Surely this obsession will last through his teen years and I'll never had to do another load myself, right?
He feeds the dog. By himself. For the past several months he's been helping me feed the dog and cats each morning. But the other day I was in Quynh's room changing her diaper when I heard it happen. "Buttons, down!" And then the sound of dog food being scooped into her bowl. And then. "OK, good girl!"
He selects his outfit each morning. Actually, we've started having him select it at night before bed, for the next day. This is an attempt to get us out of the house earlier on weekday mornings, but it has proven only moderately successful thus far. It's not so much that he cares what he wears, but he likes having a say in the process, I think. He's beginning to understand that the season have just changed and short sleeved t-shirts are no longer an appropriate choice. Except for that one favorite shirt I can't seem to get him to forget about. Now if he could just learn to dress himself, we'd be all set.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I always find something to worry about
After settling Tai back in I climbed back into my bed and tried to enjoy the fact that Quynh was sleeping so long. But that only lasted 2 minutes. I peeked at her using the video monitor, but that does not allow me to see whether she is breathing. Knowing I would not sleep until I knew she was OK, I went in. I lingered just long enough to see her move her arm and then me and my aching engorged breasts went back to bed.
She woke at 7:15am and I ran to her at the first peep. I brought her into bed with me and she nursed long and hard. Let's hope she sleeps as well tonight.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
My New Philosophy
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Lessons Learned (Maybe?)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Love / Hate
Thursday, September 10, 2009
West Virginia, Part II
Milk tastes good, whether having it:
in Logan Airport,
on a plane,
in a hotel lobby,
in a restaurant,
in a hotel room,
or in the reptile house at the National Zoo.
Napping is delightful, whether doing it:
in the ergo,
on a plane,
in a rental car,
in mama's arms,
on daddy's lap,
in the wrap,
or in a hotel bed--on crisp white sheets, under a fluffy down comforter.
No matter where I am, things that make me happy include:
sitting on daddy's lap,
riding around in the ergo,
getting complete strangers to make silly faces at me,
and watching my brother act a fool.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
West Virginia, Part I
Major excitement at the presence of tunnels and overpasses in Boston. We just don't have those things out here in cow-country. "Mama! Another tunnel!"
Upon arrival at the Logan Economy Parking Lot: "I can't see West Virginia! Where is it?"
Hanging out at Logan: pizza, smoothies, rides on the escalator, chocolate from grampy, and watching plane after plane take off. Sitting on the tarmac: "Are we taking off yet?"
In flight (at naptime): shoes off, headphones on, channel surfing on his own private TV. Snacking on water and Jet Blue cookies. Tired, but too excited to sleep.
Rides in the hotel elevator, "Which number you want? Up or down?"
A bowl full of hard candy in the hotel many flavors, so little time.
Swimming in the (outdoor) hotel pool until his lips turned blue.
At the wedding: (loudly, during the ceremony) "Are they married yet? Why are they getting married? Why are they doing rings? Where's the dancing part?"
At the National Zoo, "Daddy, look! Pigeons! This is a special treat to see all these birds."
Tuesday morning. K to T: "Today we're going to the airport to get on a plane and fly home. A Jet Blue plane." T to K: "Oh!! I LOVE Jet Blue planes!"
Sitting on the tarmac in DC for way too long: "Are we taking off yet? Will there be a snack this time? Where's the snack? I see the engine!"
Five minutes into the drive from Logan to South Hadley: sound asleep in his car seat.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Mountain Mama
Monday, August 24, 2009
Day One
Put on maternity pants (sigh) and long loose fitting top carefully selected to hide belly, and fact that pants are intended for pregnant women.
Finished packing four lunch bags just in time to hear Tai emerge from his room.
Took way too long selecting Quynh's outfit for the First Day of School, all the while knowing how ridiculous I was being. Somehow, it had to be cute, but not so cute that anyone would know I had put thought into it. I wanted her to be able to pull off the coy, "oh, this old thing?" look.
Nursed Quynh. Burped Quynh. Spit-up everywhere. Changed self into Carefully Selected Outfit #2. Changed Quynh into Outfit Number 2, less carefully selected.
Family of four out the door, only 15 minutes past Goal Time.
Arrived at work.
Tended to personal emails. Read work emails.
Ate "lunch" (10:30am).
Read more work emails.
Chatted. Looked over work To Do list (updated last on May 27th) and tried to remember what it is I do for a living.
Took care of a little online shopping.
Picked up kids. Went home and played with Tai. Nursed a hungry and exhausted Quynh.
Dinner. Playtime. Bathtime. Bedtime.
Washed a mountain of dishes, bottles, and pump parts.
Fell into bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow (oh wait....not yet...maybe in about 30 more minutes).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Beatles
The other day, while Eleanor Rigby was playing, Tai suddenly said, "Mama, they have no friends." I asked who he was talking about and he said, "all the lonely people."
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Milk Brain
Last week I put both kids in the car, started the engine, rolled up all the windows, cranked up the AC, and was about to back out of the garage when Tai said, "Mama, close Quynh's!"
Although I was sure I had closed all the windows, I obliged him by hitting that button again, without looking back. I told Tai her window was closed and then put the car in reverse and was just about to back out when Tai explained, "No, Mama. Close her door!"
I had, indeed, neglected to close her car door. Good thing I keep Tai around to keep an eye on things.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tai's Third Camping Trip
Friday, July 31, 2009
A couple priceless examples of Tai's take on this process:
Last week when we arrived at school I asked Tai to tell his teacher about what he did on the potty that morning. He immediately rattled off, "I went pee on the potty and I tried to go poop, but I didn't. But mama did." Thanks for sharing, Tai.
This morning, Tai was watching a show buck naked on our new and very expensive couch. I noticed he was holding his penis so I asked, "Do you have to go potty?" and he said "No." So I asked, "Then why are you holding your penis?" and he said "I'm afraid to get pee pee on the couch." Smart kid. He knows fine furniture when he sees it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training
Yesterday morning before school, Tai peed in the potty, rang the bell, and then put on underwear. A mere 10 minutes later he peed while standing by the couch in the playroom. We rushed to the potty to see if he could finish there, but he told me that "I peed it all out in my underwear." We put on dry underwear and moved on. I tossed a hand towel down on the wet spot, stepped on it a couple times, and tossed the towel in the washer. A little toddler pee is no big deal, I figured.
That evening, we were all down in the playroom and Minh asked why the floor by the couch was wet. I recounted the story and explained that I must not have cleaned up very well after the accident. Minh grabbed a fresh towel, threw it down and stepped on it. And when that was soaked through he grabbed another towel and did the same. And then another. After he had soaked 4 or 5 towels we decided we either had a kid with the world's largest bladder or there was some secondary source of dampness.
Minh did the Sniff Test and determined that the cats had not taken it upon themselves to mark the spot where Tai had peed (whew!)
Then he went in the utility room (to get another towel) and found water all over the basement floor. Rain was literally streaming in by the bulkhead door. So....after living here for 6 years with a bone dry unfinished basement, we now have a sopping wet finished basement. Awesome.
Minh stayed up till 3am last night using the shop vac to suck up as much as he could, while the rain continued. Due to those efforts, we seem to have contained the wetness to one corner of the playroom. Luckily, the company that did the work "guarantees" it and will come out soon to assess the situation and make a plan to resolve problem. But, somehow, even after living without a playroom for so many years, the thought of living without one for (days? weeks? a month?) is horrifying.
The good news is, Tai kept his underwear dry all morning at school. And the Potty Bell was rung last night before bed and again this morning. We're getting there.....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Places I've Recently Found Baby Poo
on Quynh's foot,
on the sleeve of my sweatshirt,
on the sheets of my bed,
and (occasionally) inside a diaper.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Quynh's Birth Story
I've had two children and two unmedicated births. But I can only take "credit" for the first one. Quynh's birth was so fast that they wouldn't have given me an epidural even if I had bribed the anesthesiologist. Still, her story will be told.
On May 27th, I tucked Tai into bed and said, "stay in your room until your night light turns off" instead of "come find me when your night light turns off" because I had a feeling I might not be home at 6:30 the next morning.
8pm: Minh and I sat down to watch a movie. I was having some short, mild contractions. Not unlike what I had off and on for the previous months. Still, I wondered if I might be going into labor, as I watched a woman die during childbirth in the opening scene of Benjamin Buttons. (Not the best movie choice for the occasion, in retrospect).
11pm: We finished the movie, which ends with a baby dying (again, not the best film choice that night). At this point I was pretty sure I was in labor, though Minh was still not convinced. We discussed possibly needing to call someone to come stay with Tai, but Minh figured we wouldn't need to leave for the hospital until after breakfast the next morning. I disagreed and, in preparation for a long night, I ate a giant bowl of Cheerios and went to lay down and rest.
11:30pm: I got back up, certain I was in labor. Spent a few minutes convincing my husband of this fact. Next I called the doula to warn her that she too was in for a long, sleepless night. Then I got down to serious business -- washing dishes, changing the sheets on our bed, packing Tai's lunch for the next day, and ordering Minh around. Minh, finally convinced this was the real deal, ate a bowl of instant noodles and then opened up the Bradley Natural Childbirth book and began cramming for the final exam.
12:00am: Minh arranged for our friend Scott to come stay in our bed and take care of Tai in the morning. Then he called the doctor and described the nature and frequency of my contractions. They suggested I stay home a bit longer. Minh dutifully relayed this information to me and then promptly called the doctor back and told them that his wife said we are going to the hospital NOW.
12:45am: Scott arrived and greeted me with a big smile and a "hey, how ya doin'?" (Seriously? Men, I swear.) Minh gave Scott all the necessary instructions and we pulled out of the driveway around 1am. I rode the whole way to the hospital with my eyes closed (partially because I was trying to relax, but mostly because I was scared to see how fast Minh was driving.)
1:20am: We arrived at the hospital (in record time) and Minh endured 4 contractions on the way from the car to the childbirth center. Yes, Minh endured them. For him, this meant letting me throw all my body weight on him and moan and groan, in public, while he was holding two duffel bags, two pillows, and trying to act casual. The folks smoking their cigarettes in the parking lot outside the ER gave us funny looks, I think. But seriously, Minh was a rock star of a hubby during all this, making sure I had whatever I needed. He didn't even piss me off by cracking a stupid joke (this time).
1:40 am: I received the most wonderful news--that I was 9.5 cm along and could pretty much push right away.
1:45am - 2:55am: Lots of messy details no one needs. A grouchy OB, a wonderful husband, a helpful doula, and I somehow managed to get Quynh born. There was yelling and swearing as I attempted to educate the OB on my pioneer valley hippy-dippy views about unmedicated birth while giving birth. And then we forgot to ask for the placenta until after they had cleaned up the room and our doula went running out into the hallway to track it down. The folks at that hospital undoubtedly think we are truly weird.
7:30am: I talked to Scott and learned that, upon waking and finding him in our bed, Tai burst out with laughter. We had been worried that it would be traumatic for him to see someone else in our place, but apparently not. Minh then began to wonder if perhaps that was not the first time Tai has seen Scott in our bed. But Quynh looks decidedly Vietnamese, so no paternity tests have been ordered.
Friday May 30th: As we headed home as a family of four, we stopped at the nurses' station to say goodbye. They said, "come see us again sometime" and Minh promptly replied "hell no!" We are done. This will be the last birth story I write.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
All About Tai
(1) picking out an outfit for Quynh to wear
(2) petting Quynh on the head and holding her hand
(3) winding up her mobile and turning on her swing
The other day on the way home with both kids in the car, Quynh started crying pretty hard. Tai immediately started saying, "It's OK Quynh. We're almost home. Getting closer and closer." it was so sweet I almost melted.
Tai was fascinated with breastfeeding.....until he saw me pump. Now that is his current obsession. I often find my pump bag open with various parts strewn on the floor -- evidence that Tai was "pumping" without me. Last night at dinner he actually got in trouble for playing with his food -- he was pumping by shoving a hamburger roll up under his shirt. And here's a typical Saturday morning conversation:
T: Mama, can we pump now?
K: Yes
T: I'll set up the pumper!!!
But Tai's whole life does not revolve around his sister. He's still going to school 4 days a week and comes home with lots of stories about climbing, swimming, and playing with the other toddlers and even the pre-schoolers. He does appear to be 2 going on 14, however. His new favorite answer to most questions is "nothing" (pronounced "nuffin"). What did you do at school today? nuffin. What did you eat for lunch? nuffin. Who should walk Buttons this afternoon? nuffin.
Puzzles are his new favorite toy. And not those really easy baby puzzles, either. Real jigsaw puzzles. He has one of a farm that he does at least 3 times a day. Faster and faster each time. And when you sit down to do it with him he usually reminds you, "you have to start with the edges."
Finally, the fascination with trucks, construction equipment, and power tools continues, but is now matched by a concurrent obsession with dresses and tights. He's asked for tights a few times now and when we tell him we don't have any he asks us to buy him some. We may just have to. For dresses, size 4T t-shirts have sufficed this far. He likes to twirl around in them. But we are headed to a wedding in September and Tai has already requested that "mama wear a long dress and Tai can wear a long dress and we can dance!" So, for those of you who will be at that wedding, be prepared to see Tai in a dress and tights....with a HUGE smile on his face.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The First Month
Quynh is already a month old, which means my leave is 1/3 over already. Time flies when you are parenting TWO kids. During the past month, I've learned alot about who Quynh is as a baby and how I've changed as a mother since Tai was born. Because everyone loves a numbered list.....
#1 Quynh is most happy sleeping on her tummy or her side (shhhhhh...don't tell! Minh even suggested we shave the hair off the back of her head so that the doctor thinks we always make her sleep on her back.)
#2 Quynh loves her daddy. Although I was predisposed to think any "smiles" at this point were still the result of gas, it does appear that she smiles in direct response to her daddy rubbing her head and playing silly games with her.
#3 I am sooooo laid back this time around (see item #1 above). I didn't even realize how laid back I am (or how uptight I was the first time) until I went to the hospital's New Parent Group and heard them all freaking out about how many hours to wait to nurse after having a cup of coffee (um, 5 minutes?) or what to do when the swaddle blanket gets dangerously close to the baby's nose and threatens to suffocate them (umm......nothing). It's adorable, really. They all seem so nervous to me. But last time around I fit right in, so I must have been that nervous too. This time I just lack the time or energy to worry that much.
#4 In some ways, we're more exhausted this time around. Taking care of Tai and household chores on top of infant care and (in Minh's case) work is pretty nuts. But in other ways we're not. I mean, Tai's been waking me up at 6am for as long as I can remember anyway. So it's not like we were snoozing till 10am on weekends before Quynh came along.
Overall, we're getting along just fine. Though it would be very handy if the second kid came with a third adult. Sometimes we just need an extra pair of hands.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Toddler Crack
Friday, May 08, 2009
The Final Descent
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The Continuing Big Boy Bed Chronicles
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Parent Teacher Conference
- He fits into the group very well. She could not find any pictures of Tai playing by himself. This comes as no surprise, as at home we constantly hear, "mama (or daddy), can you play with me?" The only things he manages to do solo are sleep and watch TV.
- He throws (and attends) numerous tea parties each week. (He's really into the finer things in life).
- He is the "class clown" and attempts to dominate all mealtime conversations. (Shocking, I know).
- He has no interest in dressing or undressing himself, but is happy to let a "staff" of other children do it for him. (Those were, perhaps, the best photos.)
- He has excellent rhythm and likes to play the drums. (Obviously, he gets that from me).
- He's not the most agile kid in the class (unless tripping over your own feet is a special form of agility.)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Statute of Limitations has Passed...
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Big Boy Bed Chronicles
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Scene from Arizona Pizza Company
Tai: I want dessert.
Kathy: Well, let's eat dinner first, OK?
Tai: Daddy, you want dessert?
Minh: Maybe. But I want to eat some pizza first. Let's look at the menu, OK?
Tai (desperately trying to gain an ally): Mama, you want dessert?
Kathy: Not right now, I want my dinner first.
Waitress: Hello, how are you all tonight?
Tai (directly to waitress): Can we have ice cream?
Kathy: Let's have pizza first and then we'll see.
Tai (ignoring Kathy and speaking only to waitress): I want dessert.
In the end, after everyone had eaten some pizza, we did order one dessert to split three ways. The newest addition to Tai's ever-expanding vocabulary? "cheesecake."
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Mini-Vacation Mini-Post
- Talking about work over dinner is better than talking about the kid, right?
- Mass MoCA is worth the drive.
- I was asked "when are you due?" and "is this your first?" about 14 times. And all 14 times I resisted the urge to say "I'm not pregnant" just to see their faces turn red.
- When I answered "June 1st" to the due-date question I shocked one woman because of how "tiny" I am and I shocked a man the next day who said "woah, don't you think you might go earlier than that?"
- I only almost made us jump in the car and drive back to (sick) Tai once.
- No matter how tasty the food, it's hard to make up for a one hour wait for a table and grouchy service.
- When cooked with enough butter, salt, and cheese, grits are actually really yummy.
- When in doubt of what to do next, buy stuff for your kid(s). (Carter's Outlet, oh yeah!)
- The smell of freshly finished wood floors lingers for a *very* long time.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Big Time Nesting
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mom of The Year Award
Yes, I had neglected to put shoes on his feet.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend Quotations
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
He's Officially Too Smart for Me.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Get-away Booked
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Renovation Update (and my kid is soooo cute!)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Practically our own Branch of the Public Library
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Bravery Bribery
Monday, January 26, 2009
Let There be Food
So when 5pm rolled around today and we suddenly realized we had no plans for dinner, I suggested making "breakfast" but Minh was not feeling it. So we decided that I'd heat up some something frozen from Trader Joe's while Minh and Tai read books. (Gone are the days of me doing anything in the kitchen without Tai pawing at my thighs asking to be picked up to "see stove" or "see something in sink"). So, knowing I only had 10-15 minutes before Tai grew tired of reading with Daddy, I grabbed an assortment of items from the freezer and started warming them all up.
Without really thinking.
So tonight we dined on Mushroom Risotto, Creamed Spinach, and Mini Tacos. Blech. Each one was pretty good, but the combination of the three is just bizarre enough to turn your stomach. Right now our insides are wholeheartedly asking, "WTF?"
So after Tai went to bed Minh got into one of his cleaning/nesting zones. On top of throwing out a bunch of clutter and re-organizing a closet he took an inventory of the fridge and freezer, looked up recipes online, made a shopping list, and headed out to Big Y. He has "real" meals planned for us for the next FOUR days. Four days? Will we even be living here in four days? What will the world be like in four days? I just can't picture anything so distant in the future.
But, apparently, there will be food.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Pick a Theme, Will Ya?
(a) wear his baby doll on his back "in the ergo"
(b) wear his cowboy hat (who says cowboys don't tote their babies on their backs?)
(c) play his little Asian drum (a-la Karate Kid Part II)
(d) fix all manner of things around the house with his toy hammer
This kid does it all, man. He does it all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bits & Pieces
So, yeah, it's a girl.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
First (and Last?) Getaway
So it's about damn time. We figure we need to hurry up and do this before the second one comes and we end up waiting two more years!
And we happen to have these wonderful friends (who happen to read this blog) who have offered to let Tai stay with them for a night or two while we escape. Their daughter is Tai's age and they go to "school" together, which means that (a) Tai will have a great time and (b) Tai will actually serve as entertainment for their daughter. I'm confident that the adults will be able to just sit back and relax while the kids play. They also have similar a parenting philosophy to us, and perhaps can even whip Tai's attitude into shape while we're gone.
So the plan is this: we dump our kid on them for a weekend and go away somewhere to relax. Then, a bit down the road, the dump their kid on us and do the same. A pretty sweet deal, really. Now we just need to iron out the details.
First and foremost, Minh and I need a place to go. I don't really want to drive more than an hour or two and we don't need all that much in the way of entertainment. A couple of nice restaurants, a comfy hotel bed (and no one to wake us up at 6am), maybe a movie theater or museum or some nice places to shop? Normally we are the outdoorsy type, but I'm guessing this trip will be sometime between now and April. And we're not skiers. Suggestions?.....Leave me a comment.