Monday, January 28, 2008

A Net Gain of 6 Words

Everyone knows that your salary is proportional to the number of words in your job title, right? That's why I've decided to trade in the pithy title of "Research Manager" for my new and improved identity of "Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Educational Assessment".

Yeah, that's right, eight words. Count 'em.

Unfortunately, my husband (who, by the way, thinks I have an unnatural propensity for abbreviating things) has taken to condensing my new title into the acronym ADIREA, which sounds kinda like "a diarrhea" when pronounced. Lovely.

So yes, in case you have not heard, I'm starting a new job in March. If my "here's my new email address" message somehow did not get to you, drop me a line and I'll let you know how to get in touch with me from now on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I consider myself to have reached the pinnacle of my career as measured by syllables, and I'm 3 short of where you are!

PS: Congrats on the new job--an excellent move, I'd say...