- Tai just celebrated his second Christmas and birthday in the span of one present-filled week. He's now a professional at tearing open gifts and officially has way too many toy vehicles. You cannot walk through our living room without tripping over a backhoe, dump truck, or fire engine.
- Minh and I discovered Scramble (a word game on Facebook) and have spent a few recent evenings playing against each other. It's a great way to spend time together, but not actually have to talk or even be in the same room.
- Baby Number Two now makes his/her presence know by doing back flips across my uterus several times a day. We should be finding out the sex in mid-January (stay tuned...)
- Buttons has been without her dog-walker for over a week now, which has the effect of either (a) making me get my butt out and walk her or (b) making me not walk her and then feel very guilty about it, depending on the day. Luckily, the young energetic dog-walker is due back next week.
- Minh and I have found the very best way to keep a house clean and tidy -- continually invite contractors and (even better) Realtors over to your place. We did this weekly for about a month and the place looked fantastic. After de-cluttering the place and talking with the Realtor about all the wonderful selling points of our house, I no longer want to move.
- Yes, we considered moving. But the house we wanted is too pricey for our budget. And yes, we considered massive renovations, but budget and time constraints have put that on the back burner as well. It's looking like minor renovations will begin shortly. Stay tuned for updates as we expand our living room and finish part of our basement.
OK, that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to come up with some amusing tales of Life in South Hadley before too much longer...