12-27-06: 5 lbs 10 oz
12-27-07: 20-something lbs
12-27-06: "waaaaaaahhhhh"
12-27-07: "mama," "dada," "uh-oh"
12-27-06: sleep, sleep, sleep
12-27-07: sleep, eat, walk, play, sign, talk
Our vacation concluded with a four-day visit at the home of Minh's sister, brother-in-law, and three year old niece, Scuppy. During our stay there, Tai got lots of good quality time with his aunt and uncle as well as his grandparents and he got to meet his great-grandmother for the first time.
Apparently Scuppy and her mom had spent the previous week getting ready for our visit -- baby proofing the house, setting up the pack-n-play, and locating and washing all of Scuppy's old baby toys. She was very excited about the prospect of her baby cousin coming to live at her house for a few days.
Until we got there.
The first 90 minutes or so were great. Scuppy was so excited to see us and she and Tai were fascinated with each other. And then Tai had the nerve to start touching her stuff. Scuppy became very possessive of her things and frustrated at Tai's inability to understand essential English phrases such as: "Stop touching me," "You can't play with that," and the ever-popular "Don't crawl there."
The poor thing. She's three and (thus far) an only child. I understand that it's hard to have your world disrupted by a little crawly-grabby-drooly guy. All the adults in the house expended much effort talking to Scuppy about Tai and babies and about sharing. We'd never let Scuppy know, but Minh and I found it pretty funny the way she scowled at him. To the left is a picture of her patented Furrowed Brow that she employed whenever Tai got too close.
It was really too bad she had such a hard time, because all Tai wanted to do was be near her. Credit goes to Scuppy, though, for owning her issues and admitting them publicly. Tai was playing in the yard with some plastic cups and then Scuppy decided she wanted to play with them. Instead of battling her, we let her have the cups and moved Tai over to a very low swing that he could hold on to and swing back and forth. Suddenly, Scuppy announced that she wanted to use that swing. I asked her if she really wanted to use it, or only because Tai was using it and she proudly stated, "Only because Tai is using it."
I should say that it was not all bad. They did indeed have some stretches of quality time together (see picture, right). This was excellent practice for Scuppy, though, because in March 2008 she will be getting a baby brother. Luckily, he won't be born crawling and grabbing at her things, so she'll have several months to warm up to him.
Ten Things I learned while in California:
1. Californians do not wear pantyhose to weddings. Not even the women.
2. Everyone in California owns a dog. I think it's a state law or something.
3. California is not the best place to order a Philly cheese steak. (Not sure why I didn't just know that one intuitively. )
4. A little hair gel goes a long way.
5. Enormous plates of cheese during the cocktail hour of a wedding are incredibly baby-friendly.
6. I can, in fact, take part in a wedding ceremony without swearing on the altar. I didn't even mess up the reading.
7. Pandas really are that cute in person and hippos and polar bears are surprisingly graceful swimmers.
8. The plain old ducks and pigeons that live at the zoo are more interesting to Tai than the peacocks and flamingos.
9. The "Brockton Villa" in La Jolla is really nothing like Brockton, Massachusetts at all. It's MUCH nicer.
10. Never mind the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, and other attractions....all Tai really needs to be happy is a patch of grass to crawl on and some seagulls to watch.
After shooing the frog away and using the tub, Minh diligently looked this little guy up on line and discovered that it's pretty common for hot tub owners to have "problems" with gray tree frogs. Apparently, they are drawn to the warmth. But if they actually hop into the water they die. Yuck.
The next day.....he was back. Minh shooed him off the tub and then the little guy jumped off the deck and down to the lawn again. The next day....he was back. We decided to try to catch him and then relocate him to the woods. Minh donned gardening gloves and grabbed his trusty yard stick. I was tasked with holding the tupperwear container while Minh encouraged the frog to jump in. No such luck....he was off the deck and in the lawn again.
The next day....he was back AGAIN. This time I was busy with the baby, but Minh managed to catch the frog all by himself. Determined to keep him away from our tub, Minh called the Neighborhood Biologist on the next street over and asked if she or her young kids would be interested is seeing the frog and then releasing him into their woods, far away from our hot tub. She was indeed interested.
Minh arrived at her house, gloves still on and tupperware lid firmly in place. He cautiously lifted the corner of the lid as he said to her, "Be careful, I hope he doesn't jump at you" just as she reached in bare-handed and scooped the little guy up. Like I said, she's a Biologist.
Hot Tub Frog is now living happily (we think) somewhere in the woods one block over from our house. If he manages to make it all the way back to our tub, we may just keep him.
If you've ever held still long enough, I've probably told you the story of how my parents flew to San Diego when my nephew was born and left me behind. I was six. And yes I did get to spend the week with my grandmother which, as everyone knows, was delightful. Grandmothers do all sorts of things with kids that mothers don't allow or don't have the energy to do (like playing "hairdresser" for hours on end).
But that didn't stop me from being bitter. I wanted to go to sunny San Diego and go to the zoo. but my parents, in their infinite wisdom decided to make the trip sans child. And although they brought me back lots of presents, including a San Diego Zoo clipboard, lots of stickers, and a pair of Joe Cool scissors, I still would have rather gone on the trip.
Now my time has come.
My friend Charlie has been considerate enough to choose San Diego as the venue for his wedding (no doubt having my lifelong desire to see the zoo in mind when he made that decision). So this November Minh, Tai and I will be taking a family vacation to Southern California. We're stretching it into a pretty long vacation that will include visiting Minh's sister and grandmother. And we'll do some general sight seeing and I will finally get my day at the zoo. Oh, and I guess we'll go to the wedding while we're there.
Actually, we're in the wedding. Well, Minh and I are. Tai will still be a tad young for the role of ring bearer. But Minh and I are honored to have been asked to do a reading during the wedding ceremony. The title of the poem we've been asked to read is Falling in Love is Like Owning a Dog. Presumably, Minh and I know a little something about love and a tad bit about owning a dog as well. Hopefully I won't mess up and swear on the altar like last time we were in a wedding....