12.15.06 --
K: "What's that weird dark spot between the dog's shoulder blades?"
M: "I noticed that too -- she's losing a ton of hair there and the fur is really thinning out." (he demonstrates by gently tugging her fur and coming up with a big chunk in his hand.)
K: "Well, let's watch it and if it gets worse we'll call the vet."
12.17.06 --
K: "She's still shedding a ton and that spot is getting worse. I think it's stress."
M: "Stress?"
K: "Yeah, she can pick up on all the changes around here, with getting ready for the baby."
M: "You give her too much credit. She probably has a rash or something."
12.18.06 --
K: "It's not any better. Should I call the vet tomorrow?"
M: "Yes."
12.19.06 --
K (on phone with vet's receptionist): "Hi, this is weird, but I'm worried about my dog because she's
shedding alot. She's got this one spot that's really thinning out. Can you ask the vet about that and see what I should do?"
Receptionist: "Oh, the doctor will want to see her. Why don't you bring her in on Thursday."
12.21.06 --
Vet: "Has she been scratching at it?"
K: "No."
Vet: "Is her appetite the same?"
K : "Yes."
Vet: "Anything else unusual?"
K "No."
Vet: "Well, it could be stress, due to the pregnancy. Dogs are very perceptive. But just to be safe, I'll test her skin to see if it's a fungal infection."
Vet receptionist: "That will be $75.00, please."
It seems to me that the vet and I could have had that conversation on the phone for free. But then he wouldn't get my $75.00 and I wouldn't have an excuse to pick up dinner from our favorite pizza place that is too far from home to justify
without a vet visit.